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Caramel Macadamia Cheesecake

caramel macadamia cheesecake recipe

I’ve been missing-in-action for the past couple of months. It’s been a rather stressful time for me. I had many existential questions and made some serious adjustments in terms of my career. Unfortunately food blogging took a backseat whilst my mind was cluttered by indecision, worry and doubt.

baking caramel macadamia cheesecake

During this rather turbulent time I questioned whether I should continue to blog. Self-doubt is just as crippling as a broken leg. It is also the mother of creativity. So I’m going to keep trying and like a very good friend told me about putting ourselves out there, “It flexes the fear muscle.”

caramel macadamia cheesecake homemade, caramel macadamia cheesecake recipe

I found this recipe a while ago and have always wanted to give it a try, but I was too afraid of failing. I had never made cheesecake before and this was four recipes in one. It looked like Mt Everest to me. I decided in a moment of clarity, “What the hell”. It turned out fantastic and I can’t believe I thought this was so difficult. It was easy but the kitchenlook like a hurricane had passed through it.The cheesecake was a breeze and didn’t crack. The brittle was divine and I’m definitely making this as a snack by itself. However with the amount of sugar in this recipe I had to brush my teeth straight after and will have to go without sugar in my coffee for a century.

macadamia cheesecake recipe

Caramel Macadamia Cheesecake
Recipe adapted from Ottolenghi – The Cookbook

500g Philadelphia Cream Cheese, at room temperature
120g caster sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 large free-range eggs, lightly beaten
100g sour cream
icing sugar for dusting

Biscuit Base
160g digestive biscuits
40g unsalted butter, melted

Nut Brittle
150g macadamia nuts
100g caster sugar

Caramel Sauce
65g unsalted butter
160g caster sugar
100ml thickened cream

1/ Preheat the oven to 140°C. Lightly grease a 20cm springform cake tin and line the base and sides with baking paper.

2/ For the biscuit base, place biscuits in a food processor and whiz to a fine crumb. Mix with the melted butter. Transfer to the lined cake tin and flatten with the back of a spoon.

3/ For the cheesecake batter, beat together the sugar and cream cheese with an electric whisk. Gradually add the vanilla extract, eggs and sour cream. Whisk until the batter is smooth. Bake for 70 minutes, a skewer inserted in the centre should come out with a slightly wet crumb. Allow to cool to room temperature, then remove tin.

4/ For the nut topping, scatter the nuts over a baking sheet and roast in the oven at 140°C for 15 minutes or until golden. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Line another baking tray with aluminium foil. Place the sugar in a medium-sized saucepan. Heat sugar on low heat until it turns a golden caramel. Do not stir at any stage. Carefully add the toasted nuts and mix gently with a wooden spoon. When most of the nuts are coated in caramel, pour them on to the lined tray and leave to set. Break and chop them very roughly with a large knife.

5/ For the sauce, put the butter and sugar in a small saucepan and stir constantly over a medium heat with a wooden spoon until it becomes a smooth, dark caramel. Once the desired colour is reached, carefully add the cream while stirring vigorously. To stop the caramel from browning further pour it directly into a glass bowl and leave to cool.

6/ To finish the cheescake, spoon the sauce in the centre, allowing it to spill over a little. Scatter the caramelised nuts on top and dust generously with icing sugar. The cheesecake will keep in the fridge for 3 days.

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  1. a spoonful of yumm

    hey ! this cheesecake is different and looks yummy . you should continue blogging it keeps you going, love your blog 🙂

  2. OohLookBel

    I’m glad you’re back to blogging, you’ve always had the knack of making food look so good (hope that allays any lingering self-doubt!).
    This cheesecake looks fantastic. I have the recipe tagged in my Ottolenghi cookbook but am yet to make it. Very tempting!

  3. yummychunklet

    OMG! I can usually pass on a slice of cheesecake because it’s so decadent, but I can’t pass up one that has caramel and macadamia nuts as a topping! This looks fantastic!

  4. Jay

    wat a gorgeous click…the recipe sounds fab..
    first time here..love your space..
    excellent recipe collection with lovely presentation..
    Am your happy subscriber now..:)
    do stop by mine sometime..

  5. Nami @ Just One Cookbook

    Amy I’m so glad you continue blogging. I really think you have a talent in cooking/baking and photography (both! How lucky!) and blogging is easy way to show your great skills. This cheesecake looks fabulous! Haha you skip sugar for your coffee for a while? I hope you will come back with something yummy soon and continue inspiring us!! You have fans!!! 🙂

  6. mademoiselle délicieuse

    It’s been a while since I’ve made cheesecake. I’ve never made brittle or toffee of any sort as I have a fear of burning sugar, so props for doing that!

  7. Zo @ Two Spoons

    Ah, I thought this looked familiar! Have looked wistfully at this recipe in The Ottolenghi Cookbook for ages. Good to know it’s totally doable 🙂

  8. kankana

    I am so glad to see a new post in your blog .. i was worrying that you might stop! SO glad that even after all the work load you have finally decided to continue. 🙂
    This cheesecake is looking so delicious and with that macadamia nuts on top .. i could eat it non stop!

  9. Katrina

    This sounds amazing! Love all the caramel. Yum!

  10. jess white @athriftyfoodie

    oh wow this looks absolutely gorgeous. I WANT IT!. love ottolenghi!

  11. Sasha @ The Procrastobaker

    I dont think ive seen anything more delectable and tooth-achingly gorgeous looking for a while 🙂 Your photos are absolutely perfect and i think i could drink that sauce by itself! Lovely 🙂

  12. bakingbitsandbobs

    This looks amazingly yummy! I have this Ottolenghi book and have somehow missed this recipe, I must try this out soon, it looks way too good 🙂

  13. Richard Elliot

    Great looking cheesecake! I love your quote about needing to clean your teeth after eating it!

    I’ve been experimenting with ricotta cheesecakes recently. Mmm they are are good!

  14. Sabrina

    glad I found your blog…this cheesecake looks absolutely stunning and delicious!

  15. Kulsum at JourneyKitchen

    Hello Sweetie. I’m SO glad u r back and blogging. And you bought us this sugar coma heaven. You temptress!! Looks incredible. Sometime this year if I can manage a hurricane in the kitchen, I’m making this!

  16. Emilia

    OMG, this cheesecake looks gorgeous. I am drooling all over my keyboard. Can’t wait to try the recipe soon, thanks for sharing.

  17. Anja

    this is truely for all caramel lovers.

  18. Tanvi@SinfullySpicy

    Glad that you decided to continue & are back.This cheesecake looks sensational..I exactly know what I m doing with macadamia nuts sitting in my freezer.
    Keep blogging & have fun!

  19. Stevie

    I’m new to your blog but a friend (Heavenly Housewife from donuts to delirium) passed along this link to your magnificent cheesecake! I can’t understand why you’d quit with such fabo food. I do hope that you plan to stick with it. We’re thinking of doing a “cheesecake challenge” and HH thought that yours (she’s passionately into Ottolenghi right now) looked as perfect as I do.

  20. crustabakes

    WOWW. this looks amazing!!! i wouldnt mind brushing my teeth and cleaning up my kitchen over and over again just to have this!

  21. cityhippyfarmgirl

    oh please don’t go, we love you so. Even if it’s just a post every month or so to tease us with your beautiful photos.
    This looks like I would need a long walk afterwards… and it would be worth every step.

  22. Snippets of Thyme

    I sure hope everything worked out for your career changes. Yes, that is such a stressful time. The beauty of blogging is we are in control. I, for one, am drooling over the photo of that caramel sauce oozing out on top of that cheesecake!!

  23. Xiaolu @ 6 Bittersweets

    Mmm this looks sinfully delicious — I love macadamia nuts and with that caramel…irresistible!

  24. Mika

    I’m so happy you are back…

  25. mel @ crunchytiger

    Wow! This is so beautiful…. and looks sooo amazingly delicious. Omg the photo of that pouring caramel. I want some now!

  26. grace

    i’m selfishly glad you kept blogging long enough to post this recipe–it’s amazing! oh, that oozing caramel. please do keep up your tasty work. 🙂

  27. Mia

    Just baked this amazing cheesecake. And now its time for tea. Cant wait to taste this. Thanks

  28. Dumpling Girl

    Your cheesecake looks incredible, and I honestly think it puts mine to shame. Glad your posting again, as your blog is truly lovely.

  29. Jennifer (Delicieux)

    Sorry you’ve gone through such a turbulent time recently. I’ve gone through something similar myself. I hope you find your way through soon 😀

    I’m glad you kept blogging though, and this cheesecake looks like a wonderful welcome back. The macadamia caramel looks to die for!

  30. betty

    i love your blog and i do hope you keep blogging 🙂

    this cheesecake looks sinful! haha and i totally know what you mean about the sugar content (its like cookies, i always bake but never eat!)

  31. rebecca

    looks amazing and don’t stop blogging you have lots of talent

  32. Jay

    loved it …beautiful click dear..

  33. Heidi – Apples Under My Bed

    Wow, how stunning does this look?!! I really should use macadamias more in cooking, they’re just beautiful.
    Heidi xo

  34. Maris (In Good Taste)

    I am very glad you decided to continue to blog. I have just found your amazing blog and your fabulous recipes and want to see lots more!

  35. cindy

    this looks amazing!

    i know all about those blogger blues…sometimes a break makes it all fresh again 🙂 just found your blog, can’t wait to read more!

  36. Aubrey

    Dang, this looks fantastic. Good luck with your career/work decisions!

  37. Harry

    There is really nothing to be afraid in trying a certain recipe. Good thing you decided to try this one. I have tried baking cheesecakes, my first attempt was really hideous, but ,once I got familiar with it, I suddenly felt like a professional baker.

  38. Heavenly Housewife

    I am so looking forward to making this beautiful cake. I’ve had it at the restaurant and it is stunning.
    I know how you feel about blogging. Sometimes I’m in a real low, and feel totally uninspired. I don’t want to blog or look at blogs. But then inspiration strikes again. You’ve certainly inspired me with this recipe.
    *kisses* HH

  39. Nina

    What a stunning cheesecake! Beautifully done. I think we can all relate to your thoughts on blogging and go through those periods ourselves….I must say that your post is quite inspiring … makes me want to make this now! Cheers!

  40. Sneh | Cook Republic

    Sometimes things get really tough and need to be sorted out. While they are being sorted out, blogging for most of us which happens to be a hobby (something that we love doing) takes the backseat. But its there, waiting to welcome us back like a long lost friend, should we choose to come back. Amy, I am glad you decided to stick it out and give it another go, it obviously makes you happy :-). Earlier this year, I let my blog of 2 years and massive readership slump into a slumber (LBOI design blog). It was heartbreaking, but needed to be done to clear my head. I will return to it this year, but it is nice to let go for a while. I feel blogs help us grow, mature, adapt and equipped. I wish you peaceful times in your personal life and more fulfillment there as well as on your blog.

    The cake is smashing too! 🙂

  41. marla

    Such a decadent & stunning cheesecake!
    Please join me to bake & remember lives lost in 9/11. I am hosting a link up called *Remembrance Cakes* Would love to have you. We are baking cakes, muffins, cupcakes. Anything is great! You can also share posts you have all ready published like this one. Just add the badge to show your support.

  42. Louise

    Oh, my gooey goodness! This looks delectable! I followed a trail from this sweet collection to your blog. How lucky! Thanks for sharing–and congratulations on being included in the Sweet Sixteen Collection this week!

  43. Kate

    Hi there,

    This looks absolutely delicious! I’d love to make this for my friend’s birthday. Do you know if this recipe would halve well, or has anyone tried it? I won’t need a large cake, and would love to make a mini version.


  44. Kirsty

    Thanks for this recipe!

    I just made it with salt in the caramels and gluten free ginger biscuit base (that’s the only type the shop had and I love ginger).

    It was really delicious but was fully cooked and a little burnt on the top and bottom in my fully preheated fan oven by 50 minutes. Just a word of warning for other readers to maybe check around that mark if you’re trying it for the 1st time 🙂

    Will definitely make this again x K x

  45. niki

    I just tried to make your caramel sauce, but failed twice, what am I doing wrong??

  46. Mel

    Thank you so much for sharing this! I made it yesterday and shared it with family and friends. They were all blown away! ❤️

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